Saturday, October 12, 2024

Teochew Conversion Tool

Chinese Han character - Teochew Latin converter / 潮州話羅馬字轉換器

Chinese Han character - Romanized Teochew converter
漢字 - 潮汕話羅馬字轉換器

Teochew (Mandarin: 潮州話, Romanized Teochew: Tîe-ciu-ūe), also referred to as "Chaoshan speech" (潮汕話) ", is spoken by an estimated 14,000,000 people in the Chaoshan Region of China of which the two major cities are Shantou (population 5,502,031) and Chaozhou (population 2,568,387). It is also spoken by Teochew overseas diaspora communities living in countries outside China. Teochew is a southwest dialect of the the Minnan (Southern Min) Macrolanguage family of which there is a spectrum of intelligibility amongst them.

This conversion tool uses the Swatou dialect (汕頭話, Sùaⁿ-thâu-ūe). Please note that in Mandarin Pinyin, “Teochew” would be transliterated as “Chaozhou” which is the name of the city in the Chaoshan-region that forms the first-half of the portmanteau “Chaoshan” — with “Shantou” forming the second-half.

If you input Chinese Han character text, you get Latin conversion in the Teochew romanized text. The Romanization used in this tool is Tiê-chiu Pe̍h-ūe-jī (潮州白話字)


This tool is still in Beta Stage, hence if you spot any errors or have new chinese character or word pair suggestions, please leave a message here or you can add a comment below.

Type or copy a text:
Enter Chinese characters:

here you get it in the Teochew Romanized alphabet:


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Keyboard for typing in the Teochew language

Last changed: October 12, 2024
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